Get involved

We gladly accept gifts of real estate, personal property, or other assets. To make a significant gift such as this, please e-mail 

Making a financial gift to Krumpin 4 Success, Inc. is only one way you can support our work. We gratefully accept jewelry, unused gift cards, suits, electronics etc.  Please either drop it off at our community center, or ship it to Chares Clark Community Center, Attn: Krumpin 4 Success, Inc , 8793 Sibbald Road Jacksonville, FL 32208.  Send to the attention of Donations. We will provide you with a tax-deductible receipt for your files. We gladly accept items for our youth career bootcamps.

Many employers sponsor matching gift programs to match charitable contributions made by their employees. When you donate through the workplace, you can make a difference throughout the city. Even if you’ve retired, you may still be able to take advantage of these programs: gifts from retirees and spouses often qualify for a match.

Please take advantage of these programs. It’s like free money for your favorite charitable causes!

Each year, thousands of employees are given the opportunity to direct a portion of their paycheck to the charities of their choice through workplace giving. If City Rescue Mission is offered as a donation option in your company’s workplace giving program, please elect to support us. If not, please ask your company how you can include us.

Rockin Waffle Café is our youth ran, youth led café an products training program. Our youth receive food handlers certificate and other on the job training. We are currently raising funds to purchase a food truck. For more information

Our PIPs give a reoccurring monthly donation. These donations help support programs, youth businesses and training certifications.

If you have a fundraiser idea that you would like to plan and coordinate, please let us know. Call (904) 480-3434